Saturday, June 16, 2007

Gifts of the Cold Shoulder

Those eyes so high
Glazed over like ice
His skin pricked with chills--
Unconditional cold-shoulder
Those were my gifts from him
Given to me like a knife

This was our love, hopeless
Through his cold dead smile
Me, the source of his unrest
Like winter,
Egg shells laid innocently on the ground,
The debris from our white wedding bells
I was ravaging, he a clown

And life was never as he hoped,
As I became a fleeting dream
Unable to satisfy his head stuck up in those pink puffy clouds,
Nothing could compare

The rain that followed,
Not one drop from his duct

His nose so high in the air,
Never realizing his emotions were taut with jealousy,
Of the girl he despised
The wife, me,
The light he could not reflect

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