Friday, December 28, 2007

Dream's Harvest

I am the queen of instantaneous breath holding
Waving my flag through a river of dirt
Unwilling to accept,
That what I want, I will never have
As if by forcing it,
I could unlock some magical door yet discovered
But, the new world has already been found
And the finding is not within you
That is my burden to bear,
My truth of terms, coming and going
There was never any slick armor or pony making miles of imprints,
Just my lonely feet, stubborn, pale, and remaining rooted
Eye stretched across the pasture
Still, I sigh with frustration,
After 27 years, I still have expectation
A grand ideal, to one day harvest mere words,
From dry soil and brown vines
Clung to a memory the earth was never designed to support
I admit, I accept, pick up that white material, my life crumbles, I pick up my feet—
And then it happened, the first smile I meant


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